Apply for a Guarantor Loan

Susan Kelly Updated on Feb 01, 2023

If you are having trouble obtaining a loan, possibly because you have a small or terrible credit history, consider obtaining a guarantor loan as a method to access this kind of borrowing.

In the case of a guarantor loan, the guarantor commits to repaying the loan in the event the borrower cannot. The loan belongs to the borrower, but the guarantor is required by law to make the payments and pay any extra expenses incurred if the borrower fails to abide by the terms of the arrangement. The steps necessary of how to get a guarantor for a loan are outlined below.

How Do Guarantor Loans Work?

Guarantor loans operate in a manner that is similar to that of unsecured loans. The most important distinction between the two is that the loan includes a guarantee that it will obtain reimbursement from your guarantor if the borrower fails to repay the loan.

You agree to pay the loan via a series of monthly instalments over a certain amount of time. If you cannot make payments, the guarantor is obligated to do so and pay any additional fees. If you cannot make a payment or fail on the loan, it is possible that this will negatively impact both of your credit reports.

This is a contract that the borrower and the guarantor are legally obligated to uphold. Therefore, before either of you puts your name on the dotted line, you must consider it.

Who Are Guarantor Loans For?

People with a bad credit history or no credit history and who may otherwise have problems obtaining credit might use guarantor loans. Suppose your application for a loan has been denied in the past. Potential lenders may be more open to doing business with you if a guarantor with an excellent credit history supports your application.

It is important to be aware that guarantor loans often have very high-interest rates compared to other kinds of loans. These prices are much higher than the rates granted to borrowers with excellent credit.

Who Can Be A Loan Guarantor?

Nearly anybody may serve as a loan guarantor so long as they are at least the minimum age, have an established credit history, and are not in financial distress. They might be a close friend, a member of the same family, or even a close coworker. They often also need to be homeowners; however, guarantor loans are available for those who are not.

They will need to be someone you have complete faith in and feel at ease discussing your financial situation. It is possible that partners will not be allowed, particularly if you are financially related, such as via a bank account; however, this may vary from provider to provider.

Applying For A Guarantor Loan

You will need to examine the following to apply for a guarantor loan after you have found someone willing to act as your guarantor:

  • Consider not just the interest rates and other fees but also the overall cost over the period you choose to pay it off. This is meant by the term "annual percentage rate," or APR.
  • Make sure both you and your guarantor meet the requirements to qualify. Before applying for the loan, give the conditions a comprehensive read so you may lessen the likelihood of being denied. Protecting your credit score should be a priority; therefore, try to limit the number of applications for loans and credit over a short period to a minimum.
  • Check that the loan won't strain your finances and that you'll be able to pay back the money easily each month.
  • Put together some basic information that may serve as verification of your identity and income. You and the guarantor will each be requested to supply personal and financial information, and the lender will analyze both of your credit histories and determine whether or not you can afford the loan. They may also contact the guarantor and you to verify certain data and make sure that both of you have the financial ability to repay the loan.

If the lending company approves your application, the money will first be sent to the guarantor. This may happen quickly, sometimes within 24 hours, but it can rely on the lender and whether or not you've supplied the information required. If you have, then this can happen rapidly.

There is a cooling-off period of fourteen days for the guarantor, during which time they have the option of either transferring the money into your account or changing their mind and returning it to the lender. You can go directly to a lender or compare guarantor loans on a comparison website to select the loan that best meets your needs.